strawberries in a heart shape

CVD Part 3: Managing Raised Cholesterol with Diet

In the last blog surrounding cardiovascular disease (CVD), we discussed what high blood pressure is, the consequences it can have, and ways to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure with diet and lifestyle changes. You can check this out by clicking here, titled ‘CVD: Managing Blood Pressure with Diet’. In the final blog … Continue reading CVD Part 3: Managing Raised Cholesterol with Diet

side view of a bottle of salt

CVD part 2: Managing Blood Pressure with Diet

Last week we discussed what cardiovascular disease (CVD) is, different types of CVD and modifiable risk factors for developing CVD. You can catch up on our last blog, titled ‘Cardiovascular Disease: Definition, Types and Risk Factors’. This week we will be exploring how to manage blood pressure, a modifiable risk factor for CVD, using nutrition.   … Continue reading CVD part 2: Managing Blood Pressure with Diet

a healthcare worker measuring a patient

Cardiovascular Disease: Definition, Types and Risk Factors

What is CVD? Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a term used to describe conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries). CVDs are the main cause of death globally and over four out of five deaths caused by CVD are due to heart attacks and strokes [1]. Cardiovascular disease is typically related … Continue reading Cardiovascular Disease: Definition, Types and Risk Factors